Alum Rock Union School District

Celebrating 90 years of excellence through Service, Perseverance, Love, Trust, & Equity!

Current Board Agenda

Regular Board of Trustees Meeting - January 30, 2025 Agenda

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, 2930 Gay Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127; District Board Room. Code:

Regular #23-24/25

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in order to participate in the public meeting of the Board of Trustees, please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (408) 928- 6822. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements.


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1. Live stream Youtube English Channel "AlumRock TV"

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- Board of Trustees of Alum Rock Union Elementary School District does hereby acknowledge that the District schools and facilities sit on the traditional lands of the Muwekma Ohlone people, and the Board of Trustees further acknowledges with respect to the Muwekma Ohlone People Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area for their stewardship of those lands.




1.2 DISCUSSION AND/OR MODIFICATION(S) OF THE AGENDA The Board may change the order of business including, but not limited to, an announcement that an agenda item will be considered out of order, that consideration of an item has been withdrawn, postponed, rescheduled or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and possible action.

1.3 WELCOME AND EXPLANATION TO AUDIENCE Any person may address the Board on any item on the meeting agenda. Persons who wish to speak on an item on the agenda will have an opportunity to do so when that agenda item is introduced and presented during this meeting. There is a limit of 2 minutes for each speaker. The Board has the right to limit total public comment on any agenda item to no more than 20 minutes. Persons who wish to speak to the Board about any matter within the jurisdiction of the District but not on this agenda will have an opportunity to speak during item 2.01 on this agenda as stated below.

2. PUBLIC MEMBERS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE BOARD PUBLIC MEMBERS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA: REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD provides members of the public an opportunity to speak about any matter under the jurisdiction of the District but not on this agenda. (If the subject you wish to discuss is already on this agenda, please provide your comment when that item is called during the meeting.) Those who wish to speak on a within the jurisdiction of The Brown Act prevents the Board from discussing any item not on this published agenda but the Board may refer to staff for follow-up any formal written requests that are brought before the Board at this time. There is a limit of 2 minutes for each speaker. The Board has the right to limit total public comment on any agenda item to no more than 20 minutes. Written matters may be placed on a future meeting agenda.


3.1 Teamsters.

3.2 California School Employee's Association (CSEA).

3.3 Alum Rock Educator's Association (AREA).

3.4 Alum Rock Administrator's Association (ARAA).

3.5 Superintendent.

3.6 Board of Trustees/Communications/Comments.

4. SUPERINTENDENT / BOARD BUSINESS--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

4.1 Discussion/Action to Waive Second Reading Requirement of Board Bylaw 9310 and to Approve Board Policy 5145.13 Upon First Reading. BP 5145.13.pdf

4.2 Approve Resolution No. 38-24/25 To Affirm Support For Equal Access To Education For All Children and Families Regardless of Immigration Status. Resolution No. 38-24-25 Families Affected by Immigration Actions.pdf 4.3 Approve Contract for Law Office of Rogelio Ruiz effective January 31, 2025, through June 30, 2025. Alum Rock Union ESD Proposed Contract.pdf

5. BUSINESS SERVICES--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

5.1 Approve 2023/2024 Annual Financial Audit Report. Every year the district hires an independent auditor to review our financial activities for the past fiscal year. Our auditor is Crowe, LLP. A representative from the firm will present the report to the Board.

5.2 Approve the 2023/24 Annual Performance and Financial Audit of General Obligation Bonds Reports for Measure I, J, and S. Every year the district hires an independent auditor to review our financial activities for Measures J, I & S General Obligation Bond funds for period ending June 30, 2024. Our auditor is Crowe, LLP. A representative from the firm will present the report to the Board. 

5.3 Approval of Additional Architectural Firms. On December 20th, 2024 the District released Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2425-Bonds06 for District Architectural Services Pool. Approval of this Board item will allow for the addition of qualified service providers to the District’s existing Architectural pool. As a result of the release of this RFQ, the District received four (4) new proposals from the following firms:  Derivi Castellanos Architects  Lionakis  Finney Architects  Sim Architects There is no cost associated with this pool of Architectural Firms. Each specific project will require proposals to be submitted as needed.

5.4 Approve Memorandum(s) of Understanding The District has received the following Memorandum(s) of Understanding as summarized on the sheet(s) dated January 30,2025

6. BOND / FACILITIES--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

6.1 Approval of RFP No. 2425-BUS02: Operational Bonds Performance Audit In order to validate that there is appropriate oversite of the ARUSD bonds program, Alum Rock solicited a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an Operational Bonds Performance Audit to be conducted of Measure I, J, and S bond projects for the past three fiscal years. This audit is intended to be above and beyond the regular financial and controls focused Bonds Performance Audit 

7. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES --BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

7.1 Chronic Absenteeism and Student Suspensions Staff presentation on Chronic Absenteeism and Student Suspensions. Update-on-Chronic-Absenteeism-and-Suspensions-January-30- 2025.pdf Presentation Only.

7.2 Approve School Sponsored Field Trip List. Student field trips are an important component of the educational program. Field trips supplement and enrich classroom learning experiences and provide opportunities for students to relate their new learning to the outside world. 

8. HUMAN RESOURCES--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/ OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only)

8.1 Approval of District Memorandum of Understanding with TEAMSTERS Local 150 The District and TEAMSTERS Local 150 reached the attached Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Early Tell Retirement Incentive.

8.2 Resignations (Information Only) Pursuant to Board Policy 4117.2 the Superintendent or designee has accepted the following resignations.

9. CONTRACTS OVER $100,000--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

9.1 Approve the Galileo Learning Services Contract for the 2024/2025 SY. This contract will provide summer camps to 125 students K-5 across two ARUSD sites. Submitted by State and Federal, $390,000.00 dollars. 

10. CONTRACT EXTENSIONS OVER $100,000--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only.)

10.1 Approve the Think Together contract for the 2024/2025 SY. This contract extension is to provide an additional ten staff needed to support the additional 80 students being added. Submitted by: State and Federal; Original approved contract was in the amount of $4,489,026.00. A new increase request of $43,544.00 to cover the new scope with additional staff. The total contract amount for the 2024/2025 SY is in the amount of $4,532,570.00 dollars.

11. CONSENT CALENDAR/ACTION ITEMS--BOARD DISCUSSION AND/ OR ACTION (The Board may take action on any item in this section, unless it is designated for information only)

11.1 Approve Acceptance of Donations. The District has received donations as summarized on the sheet dated January 30, 2025.

11.2 Notices of Employment and Changes of Status / Human Resources This item includes recommendations such as new hires, leaves of absence, or other changes in employee status.

11.3 Current Enrollment (Information Only).

11.4 Approve Resolution No. 32-24/25 Inventory Disposal

11.5 Contracts for Professional Services - Firms/Organizations The following contracts for professional services are being presented to the Board of Trustees for review and approval.



12.2 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION: The Board will recess to Closed Session at approximately 9:00pm. Open Session will resume at conclusion of Closed Session.

12.3 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION- Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: four potential cases

12.4 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9): (1) Jane Doe 1, et al. v. Alum Rock Union School District, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 23CV420187; (2) Jane AAY Doe, by and through her Guardian ad Litem, John AAL Doe v. Alum Rock Union School District, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 24CV429076; (3) Jane Doe v. Alum Rock Union School District, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 24CV435022; (4) Jane AHK Doe, et al. v. Alum Rock Union School District, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 24CV441079; (5) Jane Doe E.W. v. Alum Rock Union School District, et al., Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 22CV407905; (6) JANE ROE 1, JANE ROE 2, and JANE ROE 3, vs. ALUM ROCK UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT, et al., County of Santa Clara Superior Court Consolidated Case No.: 22CV409107; (7) Jane Doe v. Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, Think Together and New Hope for Youth, Santa Clara County Superior Court case no. 24CV449309, and (8) Jane ACC Doe v. ARUSD, et al.(case no. 24CV444348).

12.5 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Non Reelection (Government Code Section 54957).

13. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION - DISTRICT OFFICE BOARD ROOM 13.1 Report of Action Taken in Closed Session


14.1 Requests from Board of Trustees and/or from the Public. Requests shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent or designee with supporting documents and information, if any, at least one week before the scheduled meeting date. Items submitted less than a week before the scheduled meeting date may be postponed to a later meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration and research of the issue. BB 9322

15. ADJOURNMENT President adjourns the meeting.

16. Next Meeting (s)

16.1 February 13, 2025 (2024-2025 School Year)