Alum Rock Union School District

Celebrating 90 years of excellence through Service, Perseverance, Love, Trust, & Equity!

E-Rate Year 24 (2021-2022)


RFP's for 2021-2022

B2122-T001 RFP for E-Rate Eligible Wide Area Network (WAN) Services


Questions and Answers for B2122-T001:

  1. Can you take 100G handoffs today or can you only accept 10G handoffs?
    • We currently expect 10G handoffs now, however expect upto 100G in the future.
  2. Can you please confirm that the service provider must include a UPS at each location as part of the monthly service?
    • Yes.
  3. Do you have more than 3U of Rackspace available at the District Office?
    • Yes.