Alum Rock Union School District

Celebrating 90 years of excellence through Service, Perseverance, Love, Trust, & Equity!

Facilities, Bonds, and Leases

Design Guidelines 12 Focus Groups

The vision for educators shared with 12 focus groups to draw out more details of the built environment to support the vision. 

  1. SafetyAndSecurity
  2. EarlyChildhood
  3. EnglishLanguageLearners
  4. SupportingStudentswithSpecialNeedsandInclusion
  5. MediaCenterandArts
  6. ArtsIntegration
  7. PhysicalandMentalWellness
  8. NutritionServices
  9. SchoolsasCommunityHubs
  10. PhysicalFitnessandPlaySpaces
  11. OptimizingtheOutdoorsforLearning
  12. TechnologyandActiveLearning

Facilities Condition Assessments

Comprehensive assessments documented the condition of existing buildings, site and systems in place. Costs were incorporated into the LRFP

Campus Visioning Workshop Reports

Workshops led to a pattern of needs and strategies district-wide that informed the program allowing nuances for campuses and their different themes.

Design Guideline Visioning KickOff

This workshop helped educational leadership stretch their vision for the future to set the foundation for values-based Design Guidelines.

Visioning Workshop Report(2022)

Student Focus Groups

Students were engaged as valuable contributors to share their perspectives as experts on their own lived experiences at school.