Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Welcome to the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Department website!
At ARUSD, we are committed to supporting all of our schools in providing caring, safe, inclusive and welcoming environments where our students, families and staff learn, grow, and thrive. Research shows that students who attend schools and districts that prioritize Social Emotional Learning perform better academically. Additionally, we focus on academic and social successes and the mental well-being of all of our students.
Please feel free to explore our website for more parent resources, SEL and mental health/well-being information.
Thank you,
Annya R. Artigas, Ed.D.
Director of Social Emotional Learning
Instructional Services Division
Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
Division of Instructional Services
Director of Social Emotional Learning
Annya R. Artigas, Ed.D.
SEL Dept. at Chavez Elementary
1990 Kammerer Ave.
San Jose, CA 95116
Coordinator of Mental Wellness Support Services
Julieta Flores, MA, PPSC
SEL Dept. at Chavez Elementary
1990 Kammerer Ave.
San Jose, CA 95116
Administrative Assistant
Serena Dang
SEL Dept. at Chavez Elementary
1990 Kammerer Ave.
San Jose, CA 95116
SEL Dept. Main Line