Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP)
The LCSSP was established for the purpose of implementing the K-12 education portion of the Safe Neighborhood Schools Act.
The goals of the LCSSP are to support evidence-based, non-punitive programs and practices to keep the state’s most vulnerable pupils in school, complement and enhance the actions and services identified to meet the LEA’s goals per the LEA’s LCAP. ARUSD was awarded LCSSP funding of $1,100,349.00 over 3 years: 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.
During the first year (2020-21) of the LCSSP grant management, these are the goals we were able to achieve which include but are not limited to:
- Creation of SEL Department
- Introduction of SEL Framework (CASEL)
- Morning Meetings
- SEL Curriculum Implementation
- Professional Development
- Monthly Management Training (TSEL & Onward)
- MTSS Trauma Competency Series
- SEL Pilot Program at Mathson
- SEL Parent Workshop
If you would like any more information visit: