Parent Involvement
Parents and guardians of pupils, including those parents and guardians whose primary language is not English, shall have the opportunity to work together in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership with schools, and to help their children succeed in school.
Each governing board of a school district shall develop jointly with parents and guardians, and shall adopt, a policy that outlines the manner in which parents or guardians of pupils, school staff, and pupils may share the responsibility for continuing the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development and well-being of pupils at each school site.
Please click on the links below to view the Alum Rock Union School District's Board Policy and Administrative Regulation regarding Parent Involvement:
Parent Involvement Policy - Board Policy 6020 - English
Participacion de los Padres de Familia - Norma de la Mesa Directiva (BP 6020) - Espanol
Parent Involvement - Administrative Regulation 6020 - English
Title I, Part A, Section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires that schools receiving Title I, Part A funds have a Parent Compact.
Parent Compacts are agreements between families and schools about how they will work together to help children achieve the state’s high academic standards. Teachers, students, and parents jointly develop the compact to include specific actions each will do. Actions described in an effective compact are linked to specific school and grade-level goals. The compact should be the focus of conversations at parent-teacher-student conferences throughout the school year at schools receiving Title I, Part A funds.
Please view below the Alum Rock Union School District Parent Compact (PC):
For additional information please visit the link below:
For information on Parent Compact, please contact:
Dr. Kiela Jimenez, Director of State and Federal Programs