Alum Rock Union School District

Celebrating 90 years of excellence through Service, Perseverance, Love, Trust, & Equity!

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Program


McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act)

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures that children who are considered homeless or in-transition have the same educational rights and protection as any other school children.

Eligibility - You or your child is considered homeless or in-transition if you do not live in a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence, including:

  • Shared housing due to loss of housing
  • Living in cars, parks, sub-standard housing, hotels or motels
  • Primary night-time residence is a public or private place not designed for regular sleeping accommodations for a human being
  • Students awaiting foster care placement
  • Migratory children living in the above circumstances

Alum Rock Union School District provides homeless and in-transition children with the following:

  • Backpacks and school supplies
  • School uniforms
  • Transportation for educational use only (pre-qualification is required)
  • Student enrollment assistance

For more information and resources regarding homelessness visit the following websites:

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

National Center on Homeless Education

National Network for Youth

Housing for Families with Children


For questions or to apply please contact the:

Student Services Department at (408) 928-6945