Adelante I just celebrated the opening of their new Wellness Center! The Alum Rock Union School District received funding from the Valley Health Foundation’s School-Based Wellness Center Grant Program. The program funded the establishment of various Wellness Centers throughout ARUSD that will be student-centric and holistic in the approach to student support.
At the grand opening, Principal Guendulain, Superintendent German Cerda, district staff, and representatives from the Santa Clara County Department of Behavioral Health shared about what the partnership means for supporting student outcomes. With the funding, ARUSD will hire clinicians to provide resources to increase wellness for students, families, & staff including: 1) the provision of or connection to comprehensive mental wellness support 2) Anti-bullying guidance lessons for students & trauma-informed practices for staff, 3) create opportunities through peer support groups & cross-age mentoring to increase the sense of belonging and connection, and 4) develop, implement, & strengthen the Multi Tiered Systems of Support infrastructure to ensure equitable access to resources for students, families, and staff. All of these actions will aid in increasing the wellness, community connectedness, & sense of belonging among our students at our school.